While most of the year, hackers connect via modems and email, here they met facetoface. Fueled by cigarettes and caffeine, they huddled in groups around computers, swapped .
. men and women responsible. Resource Type: Recommended Non-PBS Book . Subject: Science & Tech . There are good ideas and bad ideas, but novelty will make any idea patentable.
Author of the Guardian
Would you tattoo the Apple Safari logo on your forearm? What about a USB symbol? Get ready
to see some of the worst (and best) tech tattoos around.
Learning Objective #1: Describe the work of student nurses: Learning Objective #2: Identify the ways in which students classify patients in relation to faculty work
. to tell good sites from bad ones and how to discern useful sites from ""time-wasters"" more quickly and easily." Resource Type: Recommended Non-PBS Link . Subject: Science & Tech
AFP. This file photograph taken on December 4, 2009 shows the Khumbu Glacier, one of the longest glaciers in the world, in the Everest-Khumbu region some 140 km northeast of .
. to the external world,' Professor Forgas writes in this month's Australian Science . included asking people to judge the truth of urban myths after putting
science tech good bad
them into good or bad .
Crater lakes are an extremely rare phenomenon. This is a quiz about them, which is aptly named, as many crater lakes have caused a lot of death and heartache over the years.
Sci Tech. Asbestos: the good, bad and the ugly . The bad This is the `good' part of asbestos; now for the bad part. Asbestos is a .
For most people who are considering moving to Windows 7, Oct. 22 is D-Day. On that date Microsoft's newest operating system lands on store shelves, both as a science tech good bad .
It has been disappointing for staycationers and somewhat slippery for Christmas shoppers. But while this year's weather wasn't great for we humans, there have been mixed .
Nuclear Trafficking: The Good News, And Plenty of Bad News . Subscribe to Popular Science today, for less than $1 per